Resident Programs
After School and Summer Enrichment ProgramGOALS Program (FSS)GRASPS ProgramPre-KindersResident Portal InfoScholarships
GOALS Program (FSS)
The Growing, Overcoming, Achieving, and Living Successfully (GOALS) program is open to all residents of Burlington Housing Authority. The GOALS program utilizes Burlington Housing Authority as a platform for improving the quality of life by assisting its residents with the steps to increase their economic security.
Included as part of the GOALS program are counseling and referral services provided on an individual basis and availability. Examples include:
- Education
- Job Training
- Career exploration
- Transportation
- Budgeting and Credit Counseling
The objective of the GOALS program is for families to reduce the dependency on government assistance and move towards Growing Overcoming Achieving and Living Successfully.
Rewards of GOALS:
- Special savings account (based on amount of increases/earned income or EID status)
- Personalized counseling and referral assistance
- Economic independence
For more information contact:
Tracey Brown
336-226-8421 ext. 222