Change in ABSS Bust Stop Grab and Go Meals and Pick-Up Sites
Change in ABSS Bus Stop Grab and Go Meals and Pick-Up Sites Effective March 1
Beginning March 1, the ABSS Bus Stop and Grab and Go Meals programs will need to change due to the need for buses to transport students to and from school as students return to in-person learning (for students whose parents who have made that choice) in a cohort model. The bus stop meal program will run only on Wednesdays after March 1 since that is a remote learning day for all students. Elementary return to in-person learning begins on March 1; middle and high schools begin in-person learning on March 8.
Each ABSS school site, with the exception of the Early College at ACC and CTEC, will offer pick-up meals each school day for parents to stop by the school and pick up one free lunch and breakfast for the next morning. The pick up meals and bus stop grab and go programs will not operate on teacher workdays, spring break or holidays, but will be available for free each school day for any child age 18 and under in Alamance County. The program is authorized to run through the end of June, 2021, courtesy of the United States Department of Agriculture National School Lunch Program waiver.